Let's strive to have strong, vibrant and safe communities with satisfactory infrastructure and well-funded schools.

Transparency is paramount

It's important you know what my priorities are to move Indiana forward. Equally, we need to respectfully have tough conversations. We might not agree on all issues but there is room in the middle and I want to meet you there! I've learned after talking to thousands of voters that when you are willing to collaborate and compromise, important things get done for Indiana. As your House Representative, I will educate myself and strive to understand those on all sides of an issue.

Click on priorities to expand for greater detail.


Strong public schools are the foundation of a healthy community and drive the state's economic success. Education influences a child's future employment and wage-earning potential, and ultimately their quality of life. As a mother of four who have matriculated through the public school system, I believe in protecting the value of it. Without high-quality public schools, our property values will all decrease.

As the demands of education have grown, our schools are being asked to do more while being stripped of resources. Our teachers are being stretched and quite frankly battered. Fewer are pursuing teaching, and more are leaving altogether.

As your state representative, my focus will center on children, families, and teachers through a strong public school system that serves all, ultimately supporting our state’s economic growth and Hoosiers’ wellbeing. I would advocate for policies that:
- compensate teachers fairly
- consider the benefits of a statewide pre-K program to support a strong foundation for early reading
- direct more resources to mental health and special education services
- emphasize STEM integration, financial literacy and civics throughout K-12
- support curriculum to develop critical-thinking and problem solving skills
- make sure all seniors graduate prepared to succeed in their chosen path, whether that be joining the workforce, military, or attending a trade school or a two- or four-year college/university
- ensure the safety of our children. It is essential to foster collaboration and partnership between law enforcement, enabling a more comprehensive approach to addressing child safety concerns.

I’ve seen how crucial maintaining adequate educational funding is to the success of every child. And yet, I’ve seen how the supermajority diverts funds to private schools and defunds public schools. I’ve witnessed how important trust, care, and partnership are between families and educators; yet I’ve seen how legislators instead prioritize standardized testing and devalue teachers’ expertise.


As a woman who started my career in high-tech for a global consulting firm and now maintains a small business, I will strongly support any efforts to improve competitive business in Indiana - both big and small. Specifically as your state representative, I would advocate for policies that:
- support programs that focus on attracting talent in all sectors needed to drive a highly skilled and equitable workforce.
- support programs that collaborate with our finest universities to find placement for and retain students to become part of the workforce.
- promote equality among the workforce and ensure workers are being paid what they deserve.
- advocate to host large scale events that bring tourism and visitors to our state annually.

Furthermore, as a military wife, I believe we can best support our veterans by:
- collaborating with Indiana businesses to recruit and employ these well-trained and hard-working veterans
- encourage businesses big and small to develop Veteran inclusion networks within their companies to foster the success of Veterans once onboard
- develop apprenticeship programs and work-based learning so where there is a gap in education, they may transition into civilian careers more effectively


Women deserve medical freedom and that begins with their reproductive rights. On the abortion issue, we need to trust women and trust doctors. The Indiana supermajority is guilty of government overreach while simultaneously ignoring other very important issues.

Despite all of the family planning that my husband and I did…it just didn’t work as we planned. While we were ultimately blessed with four children they came with significant medical intervention. I had five rounds of IVF after being poked and prodded for years with other alternatives that didn’t work. I had two miscarriages that left me devastated because all I wanted to be was a mom. I cannot imagine not being able to receive the emergency medical care I needed at such an emotionally damaging time.

I am alarmed that we have one of the highest maternal and infant mortality rates in the country. I am concerned that out of 92 counties in Indiana, only 33 of them have a birthing center or hospitals with OB/GYN care.

The issue of choice goes so beyond access to abortion; this is also about mothers receiving the pre-natal care and education they need to be able to bring a healthy child into the world. This is about access to contraception - which, make no mistake, is absolutely being threatened in the Statehouse.

This is about being a state where regardless of whether you’re urban or rural, you can receive the medical advice and care you need. There are times when women must have an abortion not by choice but out of medical necessity, like I did after two devastating miscarriages. And quite frankly, the 150 elected officials at the statehouse shouldn’t make that decision for a woman. It is a choice a woman should make only with her family, doctors and faith leaders.

Let's stop driving young women away from our state and make this a state where they can feel secure in their medical needs. As your state representative, I would support placing this issue in the hands of the electorate by placing the issue on the ballot.


The supermajority has made efforts to remove local control. They've made decisions that undermine a local government's ability to do the jobs they were elected to do, from school referendums to taxation. Indiana towns need greater autonomy instead of overreach from the state legislature.

While staying within the constraints of Indiana laws, giving our local governments control would empower them to manage their unique needs and priorities. And those elected at the municipal level are the best officials to make decisions for their communities. Essentially, the supermajority is taking away the voices of voters within a community.

I will champion and support empowering community leaders to make decisions that best serve their residents. With strong local leadership, we can create a state where people want to live and businesses want to invest for the future.

Local control allows officials to develop innovative approaches to challenges without being constrained by uniform regulations imposed at the state level. These changes would reduce unnecessary bureaucracy and encourage greater community engagement and, most importantly, they foster local business growth and development.


If you are truly fiscally responsible then you aren’t ok with your tax dollars going to schools (private, charter or home schools) with absolutely no oversight!

In 2025, the General Assembly will work in a long session to approve the state budget. As your state representative, I am committed to fiscal responsibility and maintaining that duty seriously. I will prioritize balanced budgets, scrutinize spending to eliminate waste, and work towards sustainable economic policies that benefit our community while ensuring responsible stewardship of public resources.

Currently the supermajority has kept billions in reserves and I believe that contradicts the conservative values that I grew up with. I believe 10-15% in reserves is responsible. But when we tax Hoosiers, we should be enhancing their quality of life.


Indiana ranks WORST in the country for water quality. Most of our lakes are considered “no touch” as a result of the pollution that comes from construction sites, parking lots, sewer overflows, farms, roads and even our own lawns.

As your state representative, I believe addressing Indiana's poor water quality will require a multi-faceted approach including:

- supporting wetland restoration
- investing in infrastructure upgrades at the municipal levels
- promoting agricultural best practices
- implementing effective stormwater management to prevent pollutants running off into bodies of water
- maintaining strong septic system inspections

Additionally, District 25 will potentially be challenged by the availability of water for the LEAP district. While the project has significant economic benefits, we need to ensure that it is executed correctly from the beginning. Any policy decisions must be data-driven and made transparently available to the public. Water is essential to all communities so we must ensure that it is distributed in a way that supports all Hoosiers.