important connections and partners in zionsville

As Zionsville grows, it becomes increasingly more important to encourage connectivity and partnering between the Town Council, Mayor's Office and residents. First and foremost, this means open communication. It’s essential that residents know what’s happening in the town government and what the stakes are, but it’s even more important that councilors know which issues and concerns are most important to residents. My background in communications and public relations will allow me to help facilitate effective two-way communication through social media, office hours and my direct email. I am already establishing those during the campaign phase. 

The Town Council should also look for ways to expand partnerships with other local entities. In particular, we can enhance the already strong relationship with our award-winning Zionsville Community Schools. While the town and schools currently work together for safety, we may be able to do more to maximize efficient purchasing and facilities.

Zionsville has already begun preparing for the impact of climate change by partnering with Indiana University’s Environmental Resiliency Institute since 2000. Zionsville’s Climate Action Plan is one result of that partnership but we can continue to do more to lead the way for Indiana.

Furthermore, we must foster connectivity between Zionsville’s longtime residents and newer families, alike. We should encourage all forms of entrepreneurship, especially creating incentives for startups and young talent. We must not only accept, but welcome the changes that make Zionsville an ever-more outstanding community in which to work, play and live.